Liam is now just a few days past the 2 month mark and, according to the doctor, he's doing very well. Today he was measured and is now a tall 59cm (10cm growth since birth!), and he's gained another 800g since last month, coming in at a chunky 5750g. Head circumference: 40cm. Erfan plotted his stats on one of those health charts and it seems he is between the 50th and 75th percentile for everything - yes, even his head. A perfectly proportionate little boy!
Unfortunately we also had our first experience with shots, and it was not such a happy one. What a cruel trick to be playing and so active and happy with the doctor and then suddenly get jabbed in each leg! He cried and his face almost made me cry, it was so sad looking. Since then, he fell asleep (probably traumatized) and hasn't wanted to wake up since - it's been a good 2.5 hours!
His sleeping pattern seems to slowly be emerging. At least for now, we can kind of bank on him getting tired after being awake about 1.5 to 2 hours. He's getting better at sleeping in general but has gotten into a new habit of falling asleep in my arms during the day as a way to get his naps in. He'll start off crying and I know he's tired, but if I put him down to sleep he just gets more upset. So I'll walk around with him for another 5 mins to calm him down, and next thing you know, he's out! Very clever little guy! At night he is still sleeping in between us and so often I will stay around and be with him as he's going to sleep because otherwise he's up and awake crying when he looks up and sees no-one there. We'll have to get better at letting him sleep on his own, but I think it's a long process. The most amusing thing is when he's suddenly wide awake after his 3am or so feed, and starts looking back and forth from me to James in this expectant "let's play" kind of way. It's so sweet it makes me laugh, but of course we work hard to ignore him so that we can all go back to sleep. I feel we're doing ok getting him to sleep a 4 or 5 hour chunk and then two 3 hour (or there about) chunks following. The only issue is that he's still not getting to bed very early (normally he's not asleep before 9pm). Little by little we'll get there!
He's started re-growing hair on the top of his head which, for now, seems quite light to me, but who knows. Don't worry, it's still a party in the back with his mullet thing going on. He's also getting more definition to his eyebrows which makes his faces even more expressive. We're loving all the tiny changes taking place.
Here are some recent cute pictures of Liam out and about. He's such a little Mister!
Out for a walk with Mom and Dad in his puffy vest (thanks Nass and Erf!)
I think he looks like a construction worker here!
Walking part of the Percorsa Vita with snow and sunshine on an early spring day
This one's just because it was his first time wearing shoes!
Like father like son - a total James outfit, though I was the one who dressed him (hmm, maybe I dress both of them?) At any rate, I can't get over how cute he looks!