We started a slow introduction of solids with Liam over the past month. He's still mostly on milk, but we have been trying to have one solid food only meal a day. For our own memories I'm just going to write down what we've tried and how he responded, feel free to skip to the video!
We've primarily been making our own baby food with fresh produce and a handy steamer and sieve, but we also had a couple of Plum organic baby foods to try out from Nassim.
On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the least enjoyable and 10 the most) here goes:
Pear - 7 (it was his first taste so he was a little hesitant on that account)
Apple - 10
Banana - 10
Peach - 3 (he made such a face (see video below)! We ended up mixing it with banana so he'd eat it
Nectarine - 3 (same as peach, once mixed with apple or banana he was good to go)
Carrot - 7
Parsnip - 3 (again, mixed in ratio of 2 apple spoons to every parsnip, he was alright with it)
Squash - 5 (he was more willing to eat it mixed with apple on a 1 to 1 ratio)
Sweet potato - 9
We mixed many of the above with an organic rice cereal for a little more bulk. He was fine with it.
Of the bought foods we have been less successful. It may be partly due to the fact that he's been sick the past few days, but he has not shown any interest so far. We tried one that sounded lovely -
Blueberry, Banana and Vanilla - 6 - he grimaced every time but ate at least some of it.
Mango, carrot and pumpkin - 4 - haven't convinced him to have more than a few bites of that one so far.