Gratefully by Tuesday morning things had improved, the tooth had peeked through the surface and I think things have been pretty much better since then.
Before I forget, here's a funny Monday story - I put Liam in his bed for nap and left him to it. An hour later, still awake, still crying, I went in. And when I found him he was standing at the bars of his crib (nothing new there) holding his PANTS (and by pants I mean trousers, not his undies), in his hand. I have no idea how he got them off, but he did. I was so amused I gave up any attempt to have him nap. That night we put him to sleep in one of his sleeping bags that snaps over the shoulder and zips up the side. He woke up in the middle of the night crying, and when James went in to check on him, he was out of his sleeping bag and holding it in his hand. Little houdini!
We walked the percorsa vita with some friends this week - twice in fact for Liam and I, and once with James. Just a couple of pictures from the walk on Sunday:
James and Liam hanging out on the walk
Alessandra and Liam
Liam and James examine the foliage
We bought Liam one of those obnoxious push walkers in garish colors and with all those sound effects and songs to boot. He loves it, of course. He does pushes it around the house, but he also loves the ball game at the front where he can pick up the little balls and dump them into the slot at the top, resulting in a lovely sound that encourages repetition! He also likes to play one of the songs over and over and does a little butt wiggle to dance to it.
Here are a couple of videos of him from today:
Other happenings this side of the Gottard - we have ferrets or some other lively and large animals living in the ceiling of our kitchen. We've been listening to them scrape and scratch around for the past few weeks, getting more and more distressed about it. The landlord is working on the situation, but a few more weeks have gone by with no results. Here's hoping something changes soon or the weight of them multiplying above us will no doubt cave the ceiling in!