Sunday, December 19, 2010

Liam comes undone

Yesterday James and I left Liam in the bathroom on his own for about 4 mins.  I came in to check on him and this is what I discovered:

We are very excited about this age.  Liam has, in the last week or so, tried out his first independent steps.  I won't say he's walking yet (though his daddy thinks he is), but he's so so close and definitely gaining confidence with each time he lets go of something and stumbles forward a step or two.

His first top tooth has now broken through the skin and with it, we have broken down and succumbed to magical anti-teething pain solutions.  We have been told by a few reliable sources that amber necklaces worn by babies help with teething pain.  Though Liam is a brave fellow, a few nights this week the pain got the better of him and we were just desperate to help him out.  So amber necklace it is (along with more traditional pain killers and gum gel)!

We're off to Marrakech tomorrow morning.  Here's hoping we have an easy trip!

My 30th Birthday Weekend

I know that turning 30 is supposed to be some big deal, so it might come as a surprise to hear how tame my birthday weekend really ended up being.  There were no crazy parties or late nights but I'm not sure how many people can claim they built a house on their 30th birthday.  So what if it was just a gingerbread house, and if, in fact, it was less house looking and more bombay slum.
The weekend celebrations started with great food at a newly discovered Indian restaurant in Lugano - Degli Amici.  What a great find!  All 24 or so of us were pleased with the food.  (We were responsible and had a babysitter so Liam could stay home).
Saturday morning was the TASIS Gingerbread house building competition.  I have no idea which group one, but our team of Andy and Emily Abell and James, Liam and I sure were creative!
Sunday evening Beril and Courtenay had a small girls dinner for me at Beril's house.  Delicious Thai food and no worrying about the baby since James was home with him.

Anyway, here are few pictures from dinner on Friday night, and our Saturday morning Gingerbread house competition. 
Normal us at my birthday dinner

 Normal Matt and Jen 
 Leigh and Gavin
 James with his leg of lamb
 Emily and Alli
 Sat Gingerbread house dream team - The Abells and us
 Design team hard at work - oh wait, James is feeding Liam!  Just Andy hard at work
 The finished product - please note the licorice and jelly head person hanging from the front of the building in a Mission Impossible stunt to break into our building!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


November really was quite a remarkable month for Liam.  Along with becoming a 10 month old he suddenly (since our trip to England) stopped crying before bed and naps.  It has made such a difference in our world and I think all of us are happier for it.  The decision in mid October to switch him to 1 nap a day was probably a big part of it, and ever since then he is almost always happy to go to sleep around 12:15pm and then his bed time is pretty much 6:30pm.  He usually sleeps till around 7am, sometimes a bit later, and seldom earlier, and his naps have increased from their usual 30 mins to often around 1 hour and sometimes even a bit more.  This is all quite a huge deal in this house.  Truly a reason for thanks giving!

And speaking of thanksgiving, this year for Thanksgiving we once again found ourselves in Lugano because James was on duty all weekend.  We made the most of it by having our own little Thanksgiving get-together with the Walsers and Leigh and Stirling.  We waited till Friday for our late afternoon meal since by then most kids had left, and then we went to town with all the fixings.  Homemade pumpkin and pecan pies, cranberry sauce, a green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, salad (and that's just what we made!).  Eric and Kat brought the turkey, gravy and stuffing, and Leigh came with mashed potatoes.  It was a lot of food and a lot of excitement.  The three little ones fared well despite it getting close to bed time.
Our dinner table - we moved it into the living room for space
 Liam's thanksgiving meal
 Drake and Kat 
 Leigh, Stirling, Kat, Drake, Eric, Liam and James

 The Children - Drake, Stirling and Liam

So much else seems to be changing and happening with Liam these days and we're so busy living in it that I forget to write it down.  I have to say though I feel like this age is my absolute favorite and I wish he'd stay this way for a long time.  It's so so fun to hang out and play with him and he's so interactive.

Some stuff that's been happening: Liam's first top tooth is coming in right now, that'll be his third tooth altogether.  He's also becoming more and more confident in his standing, walking and running around, and is letting going of things and standing steady for a few seconds before putting hands back out.  He's been eating like a champ, and by Nov was down to 2 milk feeds a day.  (Now it's just 1 before bed time.)  However, he has shown no interest in formula and very little interest in cows milk, so he's just pretty much been a water guy.  He talks ALL the time.  And I mean really talks.  Just because we don't understand him doesn't mean he's not saying meaningful things!  He is constantly standing up in his highchair - my mom considers this karma since I did the same thing - and he's climbing the staircase completely unassisted (and sometimes unaccompanied if he can manage to dart off while we are unawares!)  Anyway, just wanted to get it all down to remember some of this great time.  He's really a love.  My favorite of all favorite things he does has to be the slobbery kisses I get from him all the time.  What a little huggy love!