We've been back from England for a week now, but Liam is still saying: "no lua!" on a regular basis. It was a fun and hectic time altogether. Mostly it's great to see the cousins grow together and know each other, but there were some moments when Liam and Lua really managed to get on each others nerves. Perhaps it was a game that us adults didn't get.
We were so busy running errands for new baby stuff, and trying to keep the kids occupied and happy that we didn't get a whole lot of photos, but we managed to spend a morning at a soft play place in Banbury where all three were able to really let loose a little and run about.
Lua with the fish pillar at Rugrats |
Liam tackles a big truck while Leo plays house |
Having a bit of jumping around time before bath time |
We also had a lovely visit with Char and Otto who came up for the day to hang out. It was so nice chatting and catching up with Char and of course seeing her own belly swelling!
I love how Leo managed to squeeze into the photo! |
We had one really nice afternoon of good weather so the kids could finally spend some time outside. It seems it was much needed after a few days of being couped up indoors. Liam tried Lua's wellies on for size, and they all spent a good hour shuffling about outside!
Liam wearing Lua's shoes, and Lua not so sure about it! |
I thought Leo was so funny! I don't know if he knew what he was doing when he put together this look, but it somehow looks like a funny downhill skier! |
Lua as happy as can be pushing her shopping cart around |
Liam chose to dig in the dirt with a stick |
Sonja managed to also come up and spend a full day and 2 nights, which was a real treat. We got to sample some paleo desserts and put the pressure on her to start her own brood!
Lua getting some Sonja snuggles in pretty light |
This bus/truck was Liam's favorite AGAIN |