And representing Africa - Liam sporting his very cool Mandela T-shirt from Julie
For a while now he has stopped crying at night and instead I get woken up to a clucking and sucking sound which is him telling me he's hungry. Amazingly enough he has also done a few consecutive nights of sleeping 4.5 to 5 hours for the first chunk (unfortunately we are often awake for the first 2 hours!) and after that can usually do about 3 hours up until around 6 or 7am. There is sometimes I pause in the middle there where he's awake and grunting for while, but all in all I think it's been quite good. The other night he rolled onto his side and continued sleeping in that position!
He has also had a few challenging days this week where it just seemed like he was unhappy or uncomfortable all day long. It was pretty sad to see and I honestly can't wait till all his digestive/colic issues are resolved so he can just be the happy, cheery chap that he tends to be the rest of the time. Even when he's a bit off, he still has the sunniest smile moments that make everything ok. He is also a lot more "chatty" these days - which is very entertaining for us.
He is becoming so much more active and engaging, sometimes reaching and grabbing onto things, and certainly kicking and swatting away with vim and vigor. He loves staring at faces and has enjoyed the time I've spent with him doing a few signs. I'm sure he has no idea how he's supposed to do them now, but I figure he'll pick it up one of these fine days!
He has also done a few more naps under his mobile in his crib. These have only happened once in a day a couple of times, but we are hopeful that we can slowly get him comfortable sleeping in his own bed. I'm sure the transition will be slow, but I think we'll get there!
Cloth diapering is in full swing and we are using them during the day, and using disposables at night just so we don't have to be bleary-eyed and washing out a diaper. It's going pretty well so far, and as long as we are vigilant we are pretty successful preventing leaks.

Liam not sleeping in his real bed (moses basket)

Liam in his big boy bed - this is where he sleeps at night
Aww! loving the update. 7 weeks? When you say it like that, he's. so. little! Yet it seems like he's been around forever! He is so cute. I love that he's trying to verbally communicate with you guys already! So uh...you know what 4hours of sleep means right ;)