Thursday, April 14, 2011

Other Bits and Pieces from the Beginning of Spring

So in the past few weeks Liam is loving his time outside, and frequently (at least once a day) brings us his shoes to put on so we can go outside.  Alternatively, he'll try and wear James', which is always pretty funny to watch!

We go to the playgrounds around here a fair bit, and take walks around Montagnola.  Spring is gorgeous here!  He loves going down slides and is always enthusiastic about digging in the sand pit.
PLEASE DO NOT  COPY THIS!! He was too cute one evening before his bath dashing around with the spatula and no clothes on.  I just had to take a few pictures!

As Liam becomes more active and confident dashing around he also is adding onto his vocabulary.  In a new found obsession with blueberries he has worked hard to figure out how to say it so he can ask for them.  It comes out a bit like blue balls (which, fair enough, they are) but is a bit more garbled so it's more boobles.  Pretty funny.  He has also started to say thank you - Ta-tooo!  always said in the same intonation as one would say "thank you", and therefore easily understood.  Most of the time he says it as he hands you something, I guess because that's what I respond to him.  He still has trouble differentiating moving vehicles, and each time he hears a plane, he points to the sky and says "bussss".  Ok, we'll get there.  He said "hat" the other day so clearly James and I nearly fell over.  He is also big on asking for bread "bet", and points out birds "bert" if they fly by.  When he (or we) drop something he says: "Oh no!" and he can frequently be heard waxing on about how something or other is "dirt".  He says "keys", "cheese" but still no "please".

I've tried to post to videos to go along with this, but it isn't working out, so I'll leave it at that for now and hope that at some other point I can put them up!

1 comment:

  1. That is the most delightful sweet picture of him - so free and happy! Glad you are enjoying the change in weather! I get handed Lua's shoes at least three times a day at the moment, and frequently more often - outside is the place to be!
