Though it was short and a bit hectic, we had a really nice visit to England for Sonja's wedding. We arrived on Thursday afternoon and stayed with Nass and co for the 3 nights till we all left for Sweden. It was a full but cheerful house with the cousins together once again, and Ameh also staying so that for the first time in many years we had a little time with her. Somewhere in between everything that was happening in preparation for the wedding Amu even managed to visit with us, which was quite special as James and him had not met. I must acknowledge at this point that many photos used for this and the next post are not necessarily of my taking or even from my camera. We did a huge photo share and I had to go with whoever had the better pictures!
A little family photo while at Nass's |
The cousins, Nass, James and me (taken again by amu!) |
The wedding day itself started off gloomier and rainier than all the days before. It was absolutely pouring so that our little group coming from Nassim's actually missed the registrar's wedding because of the long drive and the bad weather. Thankfully Mims, Shirin and many others were all there, but we were sad to arrive just as it was over. The rain continued right up until the start of the actual wedding, so it was a bit of a soggy start to what was supposed to be a beautiful garden wedding. But moments after Sonja and Shamim arrived in the tent, the skies cleared and we were blessed with a gorgeous afternoon of sunshine and warm weather! How fitting to have the break come just at the right time for people to mingle in and outside of the tent and enjoy the English countryside!
Bride and groom with sisters! |
Sana and James meet for the first time! |
Official proof that James has finally met my Uncle (and of course my lovely Aunt too!) |
A few of us make it for a group photo outside |
Gorgeous bride and Groom and Mims! |
Attempt at getting the expanding family together (Leo is missing) |
Liam finds himself a car to play in! |
After a lovely ceremony, many photos, a tasty buffet and a collapsing tent, we managed to gather the Madjzoub family plus additions and head to a nearby restaurant for dinner and a little longer altogether. With the wedding and us flying out the next day it really felt like such a short time to catch up with Amu, Ameh, Parya, Sana and Auntie Fariba, but I'm so glad we had any time at all!
A lovely family dinner after the wedding to soak up a little more time with everyone |
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