We got back from Istanbul on Christmas Eve and it was really great to have a few weeks at home before James had to return to work. James couldn't have been more pleased with a Christmas present from Christy and family, of a Jets jersey. He also managed to convince him to wear it one of the last few days the jets were playing this season. Too bad they are such a losing team!
Go Jets! |
Sonja and Sham came to visit on the 26th but were off for a few days, returning on the 31st for a good week and a couple of days to just hang out with us. I'm sorry to say I didn't get a lot of pictures of their time here, mostly because perhaps it would be less than exciting have photos of them at the gym or us all watching Top Chef, or Sonja baking something yet again - we were not terribly adventurous!
We did manage one excursion to Como on Liam's actual birthday, and it turned out to be a chilly but enjoyable day out. We wandered the streets a while and then headed to our favorite pizzeria place for lunch. (Sonja and sham did manage to find some paleo friendly fodder too!)
Sonja, Liam and Sham in Como |
Liam literally ate almost the whole plate of pasta! Birthday lunch in Como |
Sham and I |
Liam laughing after lunch |
On our way back to the car after a good day in Como |
Stirling and Leigh came by after nap time to wish Liam a happy birthday. They also brought a couple of exciting presents, one of which was a noisy digger book - clearly a winner for Liam. The rest of the afternoon was spent on skype with family, and hanging out at home with a few new gifts. The funniest thing about his birthday was every time someone wished him a happy birthday he'd say " no, no happy birthday!" In fact it was amusing how right around the actual 2nd birthday "NO" became a big deal to say. Thankfully it has worn off a little, but we had a few days of "No, I don't want..." followed by whatever you just said.
Reading the new noisy digger book together |
As part of his birthday celebration Sonja also whipped up a sugarless, carb-less cake. It was quite delicious and a real success with Liam since it was all about the berries on top.
Me after eating the whole pie - just kidding - this is randomly here to mark my 33rd week of Pregnancy |
And back to the main event - Liam and co celebrating with the tart/cake! |
All set to dig in! |
We have also been meaning to cut Liam's hair for some time, and unfortunately we only got to it after his birthday. Here's a shot of a freshly trimmed Liam. I feel like I did a slightly better job this time around, probably because I had James assist me with distraction videos of trains and diggers on youtube.
Cutey-pie! |
Other major accomplishments over the break were the application of the wall art decals for Liam's room. Baby 2's is not finished yet - I hope to get there before she comes! But Liam now has a really sweet set-up in his room, and it feels much more like a finished product. He's enjoying his 3 monkeys!
Liam with his big boy bed and wall of monkeys! |
A week and a day after his actual birthday we had a birthday brunch so we could celebrate a little with his friends. Since everyone was away on his actual day it just made sense to wait, so we had a lovely Sunday brunch here with all the people nearest and dearest to Liam here in Lugano. We had lots of little peoples running around, but chaos was minimal and I think everyone had a good time. I didn't get to take any photos so James managed just a couple to at least capture the day.
Liam, Sam, Stirling and Drake playing legos downstairs |
A few of the adults - Josh, Kat, Carolyn hanging out with the small people |
After all the birthday stuff I am happy to have things quiet down a bit. I think my hosting days are numbered, at least till after the birth. I think making 2 dozen bagels was enough for a while. So we're now back in the swing of things - Liam is getting to know his new babysitter Sarah, and I am testing out how long I can be back at work. In all of that, Liam has become curious again about the whole potty thing. He asked to sit on it a few times last week, and even twice sat on it with his pants and diaper off. Then this past Sat (Jan 21st), James was using the bathroom and Liam decided he would too. And he really did! I think we all were surprised to see the poop at the bottom of the potty, but we had a little celebration and Liam felt pretty pleased with himself. Nothing since then, but little by little we may just get there!
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