Thursday, April 12, 2012

A farm trip

My doula Sabine invited us to visit her at her farm about 45 mins from Lugano.  So we spent Easter monday afternoon in the mountains, enjoying sunshine and incredible views.  Sabine and her family have been there for 19 years now and they raise pigs and sheep, make their own cheese, and grow a lot of their own produce.  We had a lovely visit and got to see some really beautiful mountain views.  Liam also had a chance to see lambs and piglets just a few weeks old!  He was slightly nervous of the sheep for some reason, but didn't seem bothered at all by the pigs, even the big ones.  Of course the highlight for him was probably riding in the wheelbarrow!

Sabine, Liam and James and a gorgeous view from the sheep pen 
Swiss mountain views

Liam wasn't quite brave enough to touch the lamb
The adorable piglets - this is a wilder older breed of pigs that supposedly is quite a delicacy
Liam gets a wheelbarrow ride!

1 comment:

  1. Oh me word - those little furry pigs are kind of cute, and I don't usually love pigs! What a fun outing and beautiful place!
