Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Rest of August

Summer's gone. It was here in full force and we were begging for a reprieve, and now, just like that, just from one day to the next, it's gone.  I guess we should be glad for all the afternoon's spent down at the school pool while we had a chance.  While we made a few trips to UBS for the kids to go in the pool there, when the temps were in the high 90's James and I were so ready for some relief ourselves, and that's when we opted for the school pool.  Liam loved jumping in the water and playing with James, and Eowyn was thrilled to be in cool water and hang out with me.  

Meanwhile, because our summer wasn't busy enough, we began potty training for Liam in earnest after our last trip to Tuscany.  It's actually gone so smoothly and well so far, and I think it's because he was already doing much of what he needed to do, so basically all I did was buy him many pairs of undies!  He's been loving the independence of it all, and now picks out his underpants and often his outfit, and gets himself dressed.  We have only had 1 night time accident since switching to undies at night time too, and that's been over a week now.  During the day we haven't had an accident in a couple of weeks at least.  He always pees on the potty, but for some reason he is adamantly refusing to poop on the potty. He will yell out that he needs to poop and needs a diaper, and then we have to put one on, he does his business, and then we change him back to undies.  It's a bit strange, but I'm sure given a bit more time he'll have mastered that side of things too.  

On a more challenging note Liam's sleep is not very consistent these days.  While we still have a decent napper he has taken to popping out of bed numerous times after bedtime.  Sometimes he says he needs the potty, other times a snack, other times he has no reason except that he doesn't feel like sleeping.  It's getting a little tedious, but it's not half as bad as the early morning wake ups.  In the past 3 weeks he has, on a number of occasions, woken up at 3am or a bit later, and then just been awake for hours.  One day he woke up at 5am to use the potty and never went back to sleep.  Neither did I.  Three nights ago he woke up at 1am and wasn't asleep till probably 4:30am.  The thing is, he used the potty, then went back to bed and just as I was falling asleep, he called for me again.  And so it continued until 4am.  Eeeshis.  That is testing my limits for sure!  Hopefully that will fade soon.

Eowyn's eating keeps going strong.  I'm sad to not be making food for her myself, but with the breastfeeding and having another child to deal with it just hasn't panned out.  Still, she's eaten everything we've given her.  The few things that she didn't love right away we managed to convince her to eat with a bit of yogurt.  But honestly she chows down on Spinach and rice, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkin etc.  She's turning out to be quite similar to Liam in that way.  

She moved to her bedroom upstairs just before James started work (I think it was Aug 10th!), and since then she has gone without her 3am feed, which is great for me.  Unfortunately she is still waking up quite a number of times (average is probably 2 a night from 11-7am) but not crying so much as needing a pacifier, so James is still sleeping up there to avoid going up and down the stairs a million times.  Lately it feels like things may be regressing a little because she is also waking up a few times between 7pm and 11pm.  All in all she is a whole lot easier than Liam was in that you can pop the pacifier and leave most of the time.  Still, we would love to get things properly sorted soon!

Here's the two of them hanging out in my bed in their pj's - or as Liam likes to say "Kajamas!"

Eowyn is also so much more interested and interactive with things and people now.  She is particularly fond of watching Liam playing games, and is thrilled to pieces when she gets a hold of a train track, car or anything else that might make her feel included in the game.  Here she is with Liam's tow truck.  He has even been pretty great about sharing his toys with her, though he prefers to pick what she gets to play with!
We came into Liam's room the other day to find them playing together in the sweetest way.  Liam had put Bertie on Eowyn's head, which she found hysterical, and so did he.  We caught a bit on video but it's not posting them now, so here's a picture!
As I said, it was really hot.  So hot that even after going swimming at UBS our children refused to put on clothes.  I love that Liam and Stirling are dashing through the path in the woods, back to the cars, wearing close to nothing!
Eowyn is loving being in a seated position.  She gets really excited about playing and checking things out from this perspective.  Now she is able to support her weight with her own hands, toppling to the side from time to time.
Recently we went to the joint birthday celebration for Samuel and Stirling.  It was a gorgeous afternoon with a nice bbq and good friends.  The kids had such a good time that poor Liam was devastated when we had to leave.  He fell in love with the mini sand box which he must have spent 3/4 of the time in.
Eowyn with James in her party dress
Stirling, Liam and Cassidy hanging out in the sand box
Grayson joins in for some fun
Birthday candles and cupcakes.  Liam was just as happy with the fruit kebabs I gave him!
Jake, Sam, Christina, Gavin, Stirling and Leigh
Eowyn just had her half birthday last week.  I can't get over how fast time has gone.  Thankfully she is not over eager to do everything and get moving.  I'm really content to have her be more chilled out than Liam was!  She really does make my heart smile whenever I picture those big brown eyes!
Happy Half Birthday!

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