We decided to stay put this Christmas break. After the trip to Olympia (by the way, still waiting on news of that, though at this point we're guessing it's a "no"), we realized we didn't have any strong desire to pack and get going again so soon. We actually had our first snow fall on the last day of the semester (dec 14th). It was beautiful, and just made our home seem more like the fairytale location it already is.
Just a cute picture of Eowyn taken the day of our first snow |
Before everyone headed to wherever they were going we took a day trip to Lucerne with Josh and Jen to check out the Christmas markets and just get out of town a bit. Going by train with the kids really makes it so much easier, and with half price cards it totally makes sense. We could eat and play games and get Eowyn to nap, so it didn't really upset the schedule too much. We got there around lunch and had some Thai food, followed by a lovely walk around the old town. We had no agenda so things were relaxed and enjoyable.
James and Liam in front of a hand carved manger scene |
Thought this was a funny shot - looks like daddy day care! |
Jen and me on a mild winter day |
A compulsory Starbucks stop
Back in Lugano it took us a few days to start to unwind and slow down. Liam remained very "gesited" (excited) about the snow, and so we made numerous excursions outside for him to get in some snow. You may have noticed our patio has changed. We had a small landslide a few months back now, and then decided to build out a deck rather than fix the landslide. The update is that we actually have a railing now, but these photos were taken before it went up. We also put Eowyn in a snow suit for the first time so she could experience the snow. Unfortunately she could barely move and kept toppling over because of the thickness of the clothing. She wasn't a huge fan but stuck it out a little bit.
Eowyn on the patio |
Liam and Eowyn enjoying sun and snow |
Skeptical Eowyn and daddy |
For some strange reason, Liam spent a full day pooping on the potty - I know, you've been waiting to hear about this! Well it was a major turn of events for us and he was doing it on his own volition after a comment by James about needing to know how to go before he could start school. Well, he went about 3 times in one day, and that he was done again. Back to diapers. So weird, but we're just waiting it out.
And speaking of waiting it out, we can't seem to figure out a way to convince Liam that bed time is bed time. He has taken to coming out multiple times over a span of anywhere from 40 mins to an hour and half. It kind of drives me batty because I can't seem to explain to him that he just needs to stay in his room, but thankfully James is slightly cooler about it. At any rate, we've had to implement some consequences recently as it's getting out of control - "I just have to tell you one thing, if I EVER need to use the potty I can come out", he says to us as he has waltzed into the living room. This happens about 3 more times with a few other excuses or things he just has to tell us.
Speaking of things he just has to tell us, the other night after bath he put his finger in his ear and said:"
Look mama, my food came out my ear. I ate too much and it come out on my finger!" Hilarious!
Meanwhile Eowyn is very vocal and continues to shout and indicate with gestures when she wants of needs anything. She also is slowly figuring out the hall step, which is a good thing as she has fallen down twice now. In the last few days she has even been engaging her legs more and standing with much support, for a few seconds at a time!
I know she's blurry but they were so sweet and excited to be in a shopping cart together - her first time riding in the seat! |
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