I went away for one week. Literally for the first time ever, I was away over night from my kids, and of course it would be during that time that Liam figures out how to ride a bike with pedals, Eowyn starts saying a new word, and I am generally dismissed and forgotten about. Well maybe not that last bit, but gosh, things happen quickly when you step away from things for a second! In truth, I think Liam was old enough to get that I had gone away and would be back. I spoke with them daily on skype, and so it seemed less traumatic. Eowyn just couldn't quite understand what was happening, where I'd gone, and if I was going to come back!
I know it's been happening all summer, but being away and coming back made me really pay attention to how much Eowyn is saying these days, and it increases all the time. We graduated from More and Happy, to "Why?", which comes out all the time, ever since I left. "Mummy go bye-bye, WHY?!" was the way she first used it, while I was away! Cat (Nat) has become Neeeow, and cows are mooo, cars are beep beep and dogs are still just Woof. And then she says things like "wing" meaning Swing, and mou (mouth). She has teeth, eyes and ears down too. And now we have han (hand). Shoes has been happening awhile along with OU-side (outside). I want dis, I want dat. Along with other similar short phrases, are also in the daily mix. I love finding Liam "reading" to her and pointing out things, saying the name and then asking her to say it too. She basically will try her hand at repeating any word he says.
I love that they are interacting so much more now, though often it ends up with screeching and tears. There are plenty of loving moments too. Eowyn is learning to apologize. She is a bit of a pusher sometimes, and I would be lying if I said she's never knocked over another kid (poor Jamison!). She also sometimes pushes Liam, but as soon as you tell her to say sorry she runs over and gives him this most adorable full on hug. It's super cheeky and sweet at the same time. Liam will take her hand sometimes to bring her places, and I've seen him physically push her up onto the couch when she wasn't able to make it up on her own! Also an amusing sight!
Since we've been back it seems like the ages of the kids has evened out a bit more. Suddenly Cassidy is one of the big kids, Eowyn and Jamison are the same size and Eowyn is getting in the mix with the big kids (though she has no idea what that means!) Liam also has a full grasp of Simon Says and Red Light, Green Light, and of course he's done so well with the bike riding. He often still rides without the pedals, but he's so capable of coasting and maneuvering his weight - it's kind of crazy how agile he is!
Liam has continued his trend of amusing conversations and comments. Here are a few recent ones:
July 5th :What do you want to be when you grow up?
Liam's answer: A mommy
On July 29th - "We are going to a birth party because we have babies in our belly" he says dressed up in my clothes
Aug 14th - "You got a haircut - good style!" he says to James after he shaved his head.
In a follow-up conversation, he was most distressed to find out he can't have a baby in his belly. I mean very upset. We had a long conversation where I did inform him that maybe when he's an adult he might choose to get married and start his own family, and he can help make a baby. I said one day he might meet someone he loves so much that he wants to spend the rest of his life with them. He told me he was going to marry Stirling.
He recently said that he wanted to go to Denmark. I asked why and he said he wanted to meet the queen. Apparently in a conversation involving what exists and what doesn't he found out from Sarah that Denmark has a real life queen. He's thrilled. Generally, he is most curious to know what really exists and what doesn't. Many questions come up with things like: do witches exist? Do dragons exist? How come dinosaurs did exist? Are wolves real?
We have other conversations. About our colons, about what he'll do as an adult (drink coffee, watch TV and talk to friends), and even death. It's straight up, some of the most amazing stuff I've ever heard.
A fine example of "finger food" |
Hugs (tackle) time |
Josh is the pied piper at the playground - a bunch of littles! |
Happy days! |
Babes in a bag - Liam took it apon himself to get into this bag - ha ha! |
Eowyn wanted "in" too, and James decided to pick them up! |
The past weekend we went to Stirling and Sam's joint birthday party. It was at Leigh and Gavin's and unfortunately the rain put a damper on using the outdoors. Regardless, it was beautifully organized and the kids had a fantastic time. It was a great idea to hire 3 Franklin babysitters to help out, because they took the kids downstairs and played games for a while, and the adults and smaller kids hung out upstairs. It's fun to see the kids altogether these days. A bunch of them will be in school together starting in just a week or so, which is also just fabulous.
The beautiful backyard that we couldn't use |
Eowyn sassing around |
Eating dinner on the top balcony - Christina almost at her due date, and many of the kids |
Kids eating - Eowyn standing on her chair |
Liam is so fond of Stirling he insisted on saving her a place next to him |
Brilliant idea - watermelon pops! |
The book exchange - the kids may not all have gotten the concept of what they were supposed to do, but it was a great idea and everyone got to go home with a new book! |
Yoga in my living room - Cassidy joins Liam and Eowyn in some down dog |
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