After seeing Amu and family in May, we wanted to make sure we made a point to actually get up to Mannheim to visit them before we leave Switzerland. We hadn't made it before because it is a substantial 6 hour drive, but the kids are a bit older and traveling a bit better, so we figured we would take a few days and go up over this Christmas break. We had no other travel plans for the break so it felt really manageable.
We left on Friday 19th in the morning and drove up to Zurich where we stopped for lunch and walked about a bit and enjoyed some of the day. Then we headed back to the car for another 3.5 hours straight from Zurich to Mannheim. We got there at about 7:30pm and just in the nick of time because it started pouring as we exited the highway. The kids did so well on the drive, sleeping for a portion of the second leg, and then just being really chilled out for the rest of the way. When we arrived Auntie Fariba had a giant pot of delicious fessenjoon waiting for us!
Parya came down from where she lives, and Sana was home and working her last few days at the department store, so we got to spend time with everyone. The kids were a little worse for wear due to lack of sleep (They were so excited to sleep in the same bed together in the same room as us, that they stayed up till almost midnight the first night!) Still, it was lovely to spend time with family and to talk and catch up more.
The kids loved riding the tram to downtown Mannheim where we got to eat yummy turkish food, wander around the christmas markets and visit Sana at work. We of course made sure to tuck into all the German essentials: bretzel, Berliner and dumpfnudeln! Yummy!
Trying a yogurt drink at the Turkish restaurant - Eowyn wasn't such a fan |
Amu and Parya |
The kids hanging in there after being out and about for 6 hours |
Amu, James and Parya |
Amu is a saver of all things, as we know, but who knew that he still had some of the kids toys?! He dug up some legos for the kids to play with and that along with 2 new books we bought in Germany, went a long way. Sana spent ages reading Winnie the Witch to the kids!
Liam with Sana and Parya's old legos |
Parya and Sana avoiding the camera! |
Amu's creation of a hat lamp for James |
On Sunday we went to Heidelberg for the afternoon and evening. It was pretty chilly out but we enjoyed walking through the old town and wandering the christmas market. We also had lunch at an interesting burger place called the Laughing Cow, and had a delicious persian dinner at a Persian restaurant.
Mucking around a statue! Sana with Liam and Eowyn |
All bundled up in the cold - so nice that they are willing to keep scarves on now! |
Christmas market playing |
Eowyn trying to ride Amu's bike |
Christmas market |
The most poignant moment for me was when Liam and I passed a homeless man sleeping in a doorway with no shoes on. Liam immediately asked why he was there and had no shoes. We talked a bit about how some people end up without a home for various reasons, and the importance of compassion. All the while we talked and continued to walk. He became quiet and sad and after a while I asked him what was wrong. He said he felt bad for the man. So we talked more and I asked him if he wanted to do something to try and help. He nodded. So I suggested maybe we could bring him something to eat and he felt immediately ready to do that. So that was the plan - to go back and give him something to eat. James and Liam bought a sandwich, but by the time they got back to the doorway the man had already left. Still, I was amazed at the impact it had on Liam. It also made me realized how sheltered he is here. They have hardly ever seen poverty. Anyway, it was a good lesson for us all to remind us of all we have, and how many don't have, and the gift of compassion.
The other thing I really wanted to do was to show James where I was born, so we ventured over to Brandenburger Str. 11 to visit the old house. It looks so much like it always has and it was quite nostalgic walking around in the backyard. I'm glad to have gone back there one more time, but I do hope Amu can sell the place and have that burden lifted from his shoulders.
Amu, me and Eowyn at the back of the house |
Eowyn and Liam running in the backyard - I left at just about the same age as Eowyn here! |
Tuesday we woke up bright and early and headed home. We stopped for a quicker lunch in Zurich and otherwise plowed on to get home in good time for dinner and bed.
It's been good to have a couple of weeks of quiet family time at home now. Sometimes I don't like being here when it's quiet and things are closed, but this time after a few days away I welcomed the peace of our own space and just spending time together - the four of us. We have had slower mornings of snuggling in our bed, lots of reading, puzzles, and little excursions to go shopping etc. The kids have been great about getting back into our rhythm after the few crazy days away, and we've even had a few days where they slept in till 7:30 or 8am! What a treat!
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