So the last summer installment is from Karen and Matt's wedding - August 21st, 2010.
We drove from Bennington to the Schenectady area on Friday morning and it was a bit of a marathon till we got home to Switzerland on Monday evening.
Friday afternoon was a mani/pedi with the bridal party, then wedding ceremony rehearsal and then the rehearsal dinner. We had to leave dinner around 9pm because Liam was starting to fade (he'd done so superbly though), but at least we had most of the evening with everyone. Here are some pictures of Liam at the dinner:
Meeting (and eating) Chandra - It seems Liam had a go at every lady's necklace that night!
The whole wedding was beautiful. I think it was the first time I spent most of a day away from Liam, which was certainly bizarre, but knowing he was just down the hotel hallway with James made it easy enough. We began preparing at 11am and the ceremony was only scheduled to start at 6:30pm. Of course before that there were the formal pictures and such, but we also spent a luxurious amount of time getting the beautiful bride all set.This picture makes me laugh - Karen's amazing hair took about 3 hours to do, this was 30 mins in and I thought it was a terrific granny do!
Finally all ready - the bridal party on the balcony of the honeymoon suite at the Glen Sanders Mansion
Nura, Rebecca, Karen, Chandra, Megan
There is already a bit of a height difference between Karen and I, but in this instance my 4 inch heels didn't help matters!
Finally our little family was together for the formal pictures - Liam is rocking the beach formal look with his bare feet mostly because we can't keep shoes on him.
Our family with the bride and groom
At the cocktail hour and Liam is still going strong
Chandra and Dave
Amazingly, Liam hung in there for more wedding celebrations till just after 10pm. When people got up dancing and we brought him on the dance floor he had a complete blast! It was really sweet to see. We did retire early from the wedding celebration because we thought it the responsible thing to do, but we are so pleased we got to be there for so much of it.
Sunday morning we woke up, packed our bags one last time and drove back down to Brooklyn (about a 3.5 hour endeavor) We arrived to pouring rain, and with just a few hours before our flight we tried to relax a little at James' parents house one last time. Unfortunately after arriving at the airport and all going smoothly, we boarded the plane and then were told that there would be a delay. The delay of almost 3 hours then meant we would miss our connection in Zurich and would have a 4 hour layover there. It ended up being quite a long and not so fun trip because Liam was also overtired and unable to sleep well in the bassinet. Our small silver lining was that we discovered that Zurich airport actually has a very nicely equipped nursery, so we did spend a little of our added time hanging out there.
Liam and I in the Zurich airport nursery

Before our final flight to Lugano
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