To add to the perfection we were able to convince Grandma Gail and Nana to come for 5 nights while we were there and so we got some family time in as well as a lovely holiday. This was also the first time Nana got to meet Liam, so it really was special. Our days consisted of nothing more taxing that figuring out where we wanted to eat for each meal, and when to order our first frozen drink. We sat, lay and swam our way through the days! We have a million photos so I will try and pick out as few as I can to give a sense of the trip without overdoing it!
James and Liam chilling out when we first arrived in our room. We did have a crib for him as well.
Our most challenging task was to secure a pallapa (or bali bed) at the start of every morning. Thanks to Liam being an early bird that was no problem!
James and Liam enjoying the infinity pool. Liam really had a good time in the water!
Grandma Gail taking Liam in the pool for a swim - the sun was a bit strong at this time so he's wearing a T-shirt and hat to protect that fair skin of his

sweet and oh, it looks so restful!