On the drive up to VT. He's really quite a careful driver - look how attentive he is of the road! (just incase SS is after me, this was taken in a STATIONARY vehicle, in a parking lot.)
The classic painted Moose picture from Bennington

Liam meets his grandpa Sonny!

Liam with Grandma Gigi
Introducing Liam to the calves

We call this video "Liam's first Cow Lick!"
Liam and Shirin hanging out on the lawn out front. This was Liam's first chance to move about and crawl in grass. He loved the texture and of course ate many blades of grass!
Shirin lets Liam have his first organ lesson (on some antique 1700's show piece in Manchester). He is a very enthusiastic pupil.

One day we came home and saw this little rocking duck - a genuine piece of the 50's. Sonny had gone scouting around and found it in the basement somewhere. He cleaned it up nicely and brought it back for Liam to use. How sweet is that?

This is a sweet one of Nana and Liam. She was showing him pictures in a magazine, and though he won't sit still to look at books with me or James, he seemed just fine doing it with her.

Introducing Liam to kiwi for the first time. Shirin brought a ton of fresh fruit with her and Liam loved getting to suck on some peach, a mango seed, and this piece of kiwi. Truthfully, as long as there's fruit in his food, he's been a pretty good eater.

Before we left VT we made sure we swung over to Brattleboro to visit Josh, Shan, Oliver and their newest member, Calvin (just 3 weeks old at the time). I am embarrassed to discover we took no pictures of their kids, so all I really have as proof of the event is this photo of Josh with a grumpy Liam! Sorry Josh!

James, Nura - Liam is so grown! And so gorgeous :) Lovely to follow your adventures. Lots of love, M.