Saturday, October 2, 2010


My last post was long and boring.  Well, it was without pictures, which to many of us visual people, equates to boring.  This time I have a smattering of pictures and more of a random commentary.  C'est la vie.

September has come and gone.  Summer feels like it's been LONG gone, and as we head deeper down the rabbit hole into fall/winter I find myself switching into hermit mode.  Hermit mode, for those who don't experience it, is a state wherein all you wish to wear is sweatpants and sweatshirts, and you would prefer it if life could take place in your bed surrounded by a large down comforter.  But that cannot be.  Liam keeps telling me so.

Instead we hustle and bustle our way through the weeks chasing Liam, chasing sleep.  Oh but he's so so fun these days.  I mean he's always been fun, but now, now he's becoming really funny.  He's so very social and vocal and loves to play (especially the "I'm going to get you" game, which as the name indicates, involves James or me saying "I'm going to get you" and wiggling our fingers at him while approaching him in a humorously menacing way.  He loves it.  He squeals, turns on his pudgy heels and heads into the nearest wall, or sometimes away from us.)

Here's a family picture from our opening banquet.  If I can recall correctly, after staying up till 10:30pm he had his first amazing night of sleeping through till 6:30am!  Must have been the late night socializing!
Kat and Drake, Nura and Liam - opening banquet.  We even had a "family room" where they hid all us new parents with young babies so we wouldn't disturb the rest of the function.  It was definitely a win/win situation.
In other news, Liam has discovered the washing machine and the fascination of wet clothes going around in a circle.  Good times!
Foregoing practicality and falling prey to pure fashion, James picked out this adorable hat for Liam.  Can he look any more Irish?  If I could tolerate the term, I may be inclined to "OMG" this photo.  I know, I know, he's my child and I'm biased, but seriously, he really is kind of adorable.  I now have to go out and buy a real winter hat for the guy, but in the meantime we sure do love this one!
As I mentioned in the last post, Liam is eating all sorts of stuff, and with growing confidence every day.  This is a video of him playing with spaghetti for the first time.
And finally a video of Liam doing his own thing!  He crawled out onto the balcony off our bedroom with the umbrella cover, and was having a great time doing his thing.


  1. Did he eat any spaghetti - it looked like he just did the funny breathing laugh thing! I love that he is out and about so much and I am sure he will become super active over this winter, walking and such!

  2. Yes, he did get some in his mouth, just not during this video.
