Monday, May 31, 2010

Chow down

May 16th was officially the first day we introduced some "solid" food to Liam. He has been looking on with great interest when we eat for some time now, and after the doctor said at 4 months you can begin to introduce some foods we decided that we would slowly start the process. So at four and a half months, Liam tried pear as his first taste of something other than milk. Despite a slightly amusing face I think he quite liked it and certainly tried multiple very small spoonfuls. Since then we have also given him some rice cereal which he seemed to think was ok, and carrot which he ate quite happily, and most recently, yesterday he tried apple and he LOVED it! I couldn't believe how much he kept slurping down! He really ate so so well.
I love the way dad's tongue is sticking out in concentration!At the moment we are just offering him some solids after his 11am feed. So far I think it's going really well. We love the spoons Nassim sent - they really are ideal for little ones who can't use their mouths to scrape a spoon clean, and they also do a great cleanup around the face. He loves to just hold the spoon and try and chew on it too.

Here's a video of the very first few bites!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mother's Day

This year was a special first mother's day for me. James was absolutely awesome and made me a lovely breakfast and throughout the day was quick to take care of the little household chores that needed to be done. He also gave me a much appreciated mini massage, and though I didn't know it at the time, he also got me the kindle so that when we travel I don't have to pack 10 different books and use up all that space. So thoughtful!
Mothers day this year also fell on Charlene's birthday so we decided to have her, Keith and Otto, as well as Kat and Drake, over for dinner. We had such fun with the three little boys, and it's amazing how much changes in just a few weeks. Though Liam is still a little behind he is so eager to interact and look at the other little guys. The two of them, on the other hand, are so capable and precise with their movements and intentions. We watched them battle it out for the ball rattle as well as Otto's pacifier.
These pictures are from the evening. I love the way Drake goes from giving Otto a kiss to trying to grab his pacifier and making him cry, and all the while Liam is kind of just the innocent by-stander!

Here's a sweet one of Kat and Drake

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Story time and more

May 1st was the day to try something new for Liam. We busted out the high chair, and after violating 3 of the safety rules (don't attach this to a one legged table, don't attach this to a table extension, don't place anything underneath it) we felt it safe enough to plop him in. Actually, I think that the last one is silly because if something were to go wrong because of the first two issues, the 3rd seems to be the saving grace preventing our baby from ending up on the floor! So that's why we have a chair under his chair.
At any rate, since he's been enjoying being in a seated position, and he's always so curious about what we are doing at the table, we thought we'd let him start to participate a bit more in meal times. He really seems to enjoy being at the same level as us, and is certainly very curious about our food and what we're doing, but equally happy to play a bit with toys in front of him.

For the past week or so we have been trying to create more of a schedule or routine for Liam to help him learn to sleep better. It's been tricky for sure, and especially this past week and a half we've definitely had some long crying sessions around bed time and even some nap times. Still, we think things are coming along slowly but surely.

Here is a cute picture of James reading a bed time story to Liam. He's much more interested in books now, though sometimes he also likes to look up and watch you reading to him! Just today I was reading him a story and he tried to pick a snail off of the page of the book! It was quite humorous to see!

This is a video of part of story time!

The Return of Mims

After a few days in Florence, Mims returned for just a couple more nights to hang out with us. Although these are already outdated, here is Liam holding his first eating utensil.

And this is a little video of what he was trying to do with that spoon!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Madjzoub Invasion

Just a few weeks ago we had a medley of Madjzoub's in town.  First Sonja arrived on Monday April 12th, followed by Mims, Shirin and a friend on Thurs the same week.  Sonja was supposed to leave on Friday but with Shirin's persuasiveness and a whole lot of peer pressure we managed to convince her to stay till Sunday.  Then, on top of that change of plans, the eruption of the volcano prevented Mims and co. from heading to Israel on Sunday as they had planned, and so instead we had an unexpected and happy extension to their visit with us.

For Liam it was a good time filled with people eager to hold and play with him at most times.  He did get a little overwhelmed with all the noise and attention which led to some restless nights here and there, but seeing Shirin and Sonja make him laugh made it more than worthwhile!  So fun for them to get to see him at this age - still small but much more alert and active and learning so many new and exciting things!  Here are some pictures from the week.  We had fantastic weather - very spring/summer - and that of course made everything more enjoyable.
Sonja carrying Liam in the Ergo
Sonja gave Liam this adorable owl who we promptly named Ollie-  I love this picture because it also shows how much confidence Liam has gained in just a few weeks on his belly
Shirin's first day hanging out with Liam.  She was goofy as can be with Liam and made him laugh uproariously on many occasions.  
Hiking the Percorsa Vita on a glorious spring day
Grandma Gail and Liam taking in some sun and nature on the walk

 Liam in the ergo

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tummy Time

These pictures are almost a month old so they are of Liam at 3 months, but they show him hard at work/play on his belly. It has been amazing to see the changes in his strength, focus and his ability to interact with people and toys. Not long before these pictures were taken he barely acknowledged toys, and within just a few days he was suddenly reaching for things and trying to hold them. Now everything in front of him is up for grabs, and of course it always ends up directed to his mouth! He does a great sphinx pose, and I particularly love the way he is staring down the little ladybug on his wacky toy!

This is another James special (you may recognize the shaky hand) from Liam in his basket interacting with his sheep blanket. It is always hard to catch the best moments, so the beginning part is a better indication of how he likes to converse with his "friends".

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Jolly Jumping Liam

A few weeks ago we were over at Kat and Eric's for dinner and they brought out all the jolly jumpers for the three little boys. Drake and Otto are experienced in the realm of jumping, but little Liam had his first moment that night. This video is kind of grainy because it was dark, but it shows his reaction to the whole thing.

And here are the experts! Otto and Drake are 3 months older than Liam and that clearly makes a difference.

This is just a cute photo of Liam hanging out in the jumper.

And later that evening - all the events tuckered him out.