Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween and other bits of Fall

 This fall is flying by!  I can't believe we are already coming to the beginning of November.  Liam is doing well enough at school, though we did have some challenging times at the beginning of the year with one kid who was not socially adjusting and kept hurting the other kids.  Liam would tell me that he's not very big, but still somehow was being bullied by him.  One day he came home with this:

bite marks through his shirt taken 5 hours after it happened!
 Thankfully the boy is doing a bit better, but still seems to have a lot of issues and outbursts.  Meanwhile Liam is doing Soccer club after nap time on Friday afternoons.  I'm really happy to have gotten him into something as I feel like it's definitely time.  He finds it hard sometimes because there are lots of directions to follow, but it seems to be going well and it's really good for him because he's learning some real skills in listening and following direction as well as what it can look like to play a team sport.  He's the youngest one there so it's also pushing him and his coordination and such.
Liam is at the far back of the 3rd line (shortest one there!) - coach Matteo is a champ to try and teach this age!
Daddy and Liam post soccer hour
My days at home with Eowyn have been interesting.  It feels like she's not stimulated enough here, so if I don't take her out running errands or going somewhere she often gets a little stir crazy.  Every time we take the big kids to school she asks to stay.  I get her together a lot with Jamison, which helps, but it's still a tricky time.  I also meant to make note of her "gloriflied!" word, which cracks me up all the time!  We also did get to share this gorgeous double rainbow right out our windows one morning!  
We could see the start and end on both sides!  Amazing!
With a few weeks of no rain and some beautiful weather we have made a few trips to town and out and about.  A week or so ago we went down town for Liam's haircut and had a leisurely time wandering about afterwards and eating lunch outside!
These two hams ran up and sat here ready to take a photo!
The last couple of weeks have been full on for me with work and lots of extra massages to boot, so unfortunately I missed the excursion to the zoo, but the kids went with friends (Stirling, Grayson, Iona) and had an awesome time feeding the animals and going on the go carts!
Liam sporting a haircut and feeding the monkeys 
Eowyn reaching out!

Happy kids at the zoo
Yes, this zoo has guinea pigs! They loved feeding them!
I love this expression after Eowyn gave the goat some food!
Liam had a blast driving around!
This year TASIS had a full on Halloween event the weekend before Halloween (Because of Academic Travel).  We had an awesome brunch at school with decorations, music and actually good food.  After nap time they got into costume and we went to check out the fall festival.  The TPA decorates the palestra and has all this stuff going on with music, a dunk tank, balloon creations and a lot more.  At first both kids just froze and Eowyn was covering her ears, but they got used to it a bit.  We went trick or treating in the dorms for just 3 rooms, but it was plenty for them to get the experience.  It was fun to do it in a safe environment too, and to keep it limited.  They are definitely into the whole Halloween thing and Eowyn keeps asking to do it again.

My little Witch and Cat
Room on the Broom? Eowyn wouldn't smile! 
Staring at daddy in the dunk tank
Daddy getting dunked on 
Scary Halloween decorations
Everything's better with friends (notice Cassidy's life size balloon replica of herself!)
Trick or Treat!
Trick or Treat  
The crew post trick or treating, pre dinner at the dining hall

Fall Visit from Grandma - Oct, 2014

We loved having Grandma Gail visit us this Fall, despite the fact that I also happened to dislocate my pinky toe AGAIN, the morning after she arrived.  I'm actually astounded that this keeps happening!  This time was once again, on the beloved high chair (we should really get rid of it!)  Anyway, somehow we still managed to do a few things together and I'm thankful that the injury happened when Mims was here and just before a long weekend so that I could slow down and recover a bit.  I am also grateful to all my friends and James and Mims for stepping up and helping me out with getting kids to school and back and everything else!  

So back to Mims visit.  We actually had really good weather for most of her stay!  Hurray!  I was also so happy because she did a Family Virtues Workshop for me and my friends, which I think was really meaningful for all of us.  We are at least now working on a shared languaging, which is so helpful.  Meanwhile, thanks to a long weekend we had a chance to take Mims up to Luzern for a day trip.  It was cool but ended up being a lovely day, and we did all our favorite things - Lunch at hotel Balance, Berliner, Bretzels, Tidbits for take away dinner, and a good amble about the walking area!  Oh and Starbucks!  

Mims, James and the kids also went to the Bellinzona castles and had a great time.  Unfortunately I can't seem to find any of the photos...During the week Eowyn, Mims and I went downtown for a morning so that Mims could get her haircut and then just a wander around.  Generally it was good times.  I love that the kids are more open to having Grandma do things, and things are slowly improving so that Eowyn is willing to be a bit more friendly with her!

Enjoying a new book with Grandma
On our drive up to Luzern
Sunny mountain views 
Luzern is a pretty city
Cheeky Liam
Our Starbucks stop in the late afternoon meant Gelato for the kids!
The old bridge
Great Daddy moment on the river 
Watching the swans
Almost a perfect picture (thanks Eowyn!)
Wandering around the old town is always better with a balloon
Admiring the buildings
Nothing better than a sleeping babe!