Friday, March 11, 2011

Liam's first Music Class

I forgot to post pictures from a little music class that we went to about a month ago.  We did it with all the other moms and wee ones in our little group, and it was quite sweet just to see what they all got up to.  Liam sat and paid close attention in the first few minutes, but later seemed more interested in hiding and laughing under a table with Drake and Stirling.  He did like shaking his maracas though!
Stirling and Leigh with Alison and Elle in the background
Liam watches the teacher bunching up a scarf - Christina and Sam and Courtenay and Isla
Stirling returning the scarves to the hat - Pei Ling and Isabella in the background

Here's a sweet video of them playing under the table!

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see the other babies and the video is adorable!! It's always fun to see them react to each other!
