Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer Time and the Livin' is Easy - Sort of

I feel such relief to finally be moving away from work and into our summer.  Gratefully we are able to stay in our house for the summer so we are spending this month decompressing after the school year, and hanging out with Liam and friends who are still around.

Liam is now at his 5 and half month mark (almost) and at his doctor's appointment he weighed in at 7,480g and has grown to be 66cm long with head circumference of 44cm.  All are within the 50-75% which is just fine by us.  We have been working over the past month on trying to help Liam sleep better.  What an adventure that has been!  Our grand plans to have him out of our bed at night have not come to fruition yet, and so often it feels like we've taken 1 step forward and then 3 back.  Some days his naps are better and he sleeps for more than the usual 30 mins in one go, and other times the night seemed ok with just his feed wakings around 11pm and 3am.  Then there are other nights (like two nights ago!) when he somehow seems to wake up every hour or so.  I have been keeping a sleep/feed log for a while now just to see if things are improving, and I'm not convinced at this time.  Not to worry though, we have now purchased another sleep solution book!  (actually, we borrowed two from Char and Kat, and this is the only one we will actually have bought.)  Let's see what happens with that.  Here goes: "No Cry Sleep Solution"!

Mostly, though, he is a cheerful and inquisitive little guy. He's so interested in everything (his method of exploration is pretty much all through taste!) and now his communication is reaching new heights.  A few days ago he started a new stream of sounds that consists of Dadadadagaagaanana.  It's so awesome to watch how quickly he starts new things and then how comfortable he becomes with them.  Of course James is pleased as can be that he is saying dada, though we both know it's not yet associated with him as a person.
Liam has graduated from his little bathtub to the big bath.  Here he is with part of his new octopus bath toy, lying on his back in the water.  He's been loving kicking and splashing around!
Our feisty little guy was having a go at chewing on daddy's nose.  When I tried to catch him in the act of course he stopped to pose instead.  When you try to hold him he often feels a bit like a squirmy hamster, always trying to get somewhere!
Perhaps we could get some money from sprite for this endorsement.  Along the same "has to chew on everything" lines, Liam decided he just had to play with this super fun green bottle.  I'm not sure who has a handle on who in this picture!

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