Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Madjzoub Invasion

Just a few weeks ago we had a medley of Madjzoub's in town.  First Sonja arrived on Monday April 12th, followed by Mims, Shirin and a friend on Thurs the same week.  Sonja was supposed to leave on Friday but with Shirin's persuasiveness and a whole lot of peer pressure we managed to convince her to stay till Sunday.  Then, on top of that change of plans, the eruption of the volcano prevented Mims and co. from heading to Israel on Sunday as they had planned, and so instead we had an unexpected and happy extension to their visit with us.

For Liam it was a good time filled with people eager to hold and play with him at most times.  He did get a little overwhelmed with all the noise and attention which led to some restless nights here and there, but seeing Shirin and Sonja make him laugh made it more than worthwhile!  So fun for them to get to see him at this age - still small but much more alert and active and learning so many new and exciting things!  Here are some pictures from the week.  We had fantastic weather - very spring/summer - and that of course made everything more enjoyable.
Sonja carrying Liam in the Ergo
Sonja gave Liam this adorable owl who we promptly named Ollie-  I love this picture because it also shows how much confidence Liam has gained in just a few weeks on his belly
Shirin's first day hanging out with Liam.  She was goofy as can be with Liam and made him laugh uproariously on many occasions.  
Hiking the Percorsa Vita on a glorious spring day
Grandma Gail and Liam taking in some sun and nature on the walk

 Liam in the ergo

1 comment:

  1. somehow I think I can see a tiny bit of you in the picture of him with mims, though I can't say exactly what it is! Very cute and some nice clear shots to really see him...he's really lovely and so glad everyone was there to see him, though just hoping for our turn soon!
