Monday, May 31, 2010

Chow down

May 16th was officially the first day we introduced some "solid" food to Liam. He has been looking on with great interest when we eat for some time now, and after the doctor said at 4 months you can begin to introduce some foods we decided that we would slowly start the process. So at four and a half months, Liam tried pear as his first taste of something other than milk. Despite a slightly amusing face I think he quite liked it and certainly tried multiple very small spoonfuls. Since then we have also given him some rice cereal which he seemed to think was ok, and carrot which he ate quite happily, and most recently, yesterday he tried apple and he LOVED it! I couldn't believe how much he kept slurping down! He really ate so so well.
I love the way dad's tongue is sticking out in concentration!At the moment we are just offering him some solids after his 11am feed. So far I think it's going really well. We love the spoons Nassim sent - they really are ideal for little ones who can't use their mouths to scrape a spoon clean, and they also do a great cleanup around the face. He loves to just hold the spoon and try and chew on it too.

Here's a video of the very first few bites!


  1. I love the way you have an ENORMOUS sandwich waiting for you afterwards! Very sweet!

  2. Haha! That's so funny! I didn't even notice my sandwich was in the picture.

  3. Lovely to see these photos and the video! It's now a whole new world for him.....mmm....mmmm.... mmmm!
